Success, impact and added value
Individual, Institution and Policy transformation for all
Our Global TVET Skills Impact
Rather than just talk about our approach to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), we’d rather demonstrate our capability and capacity in skills and education through our high impact and un-matched achievements. Our confirmed project outcomes generate a proven immediate and long term impact of our world-class skills development at the individual, institution and policy level.
Our belief is that we should not be delivering any skills, knowledge and competence that do not make a difference or which do not serve a purpose. For individuals, this means the right skills for the right role that enable employment security and longevity. For industry and employers, skills must provide a competent and safe workforce, with employees who create high productivity and competitiveness in a global and local economy.
We use a simple and robust, but effective approach to measuring the real TVET skills impact of what we do for individuals, for employers and for society at large.

Aspirations realised…

Sri-Lanka: Working in partnership with the British Council, the Government of Sri Lanka and the Digital Creatives Industry, we focused on high end, high value, high impact sub-sectors, and whole system interventions in the design and digital sub-sectors. We demonstrated the transferability of a systemic skills approach and also concurrently developed capacity in relevant institutions so that they could continue to carry out similar work independently in future. This project was specifically aimed at systemic education reform, drawing out a highly prized strategic approach to employer-led technical and vocational education and training to empower those already in work, and those seeking work, as well as develop their workplace skills and knowledge.

Europe: The lack of Industry 4.0 skills and knowledge across the Furniture and Wood Sectors holds back its growth potential. GSL experts worked with other EU countries countries to develop developing a ground-breaking skills and education programme that will modernise vocational training. It was focused on transformative and advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) skills – in particular Key Enabling Technologies. Partnered with TVET technology providers, TVET authorities and industry experts, we strengthened knowledge exchange and best practice that occurs between the labour market and industry. During 2019, we released over 300 new and innovative video clips that provide short burst practical skills and knowledge accessed from any media platform. Check out the free to access and use resources here.

Bangladesh: Working in partnership with the British Council, our experts conducted a detailed workforce and industry study into the Creative Sector. The purpose of the research was to understand and make the case for the Creative Industries to be a top Government priority in terms of investment; secondly, the report identifed skills gaps in the immediate future and those foreseen in the longer term. The resulting report made a number of key recommendations to both the Government of Bangladesh and Creative Sector employers about how they could best enable the sector to flourish more on the domestic and world stage, and how their human capital can best support this ambition.

Vietnam: Collaborating with employers from the construction supply industry. we undertook a review of their industry performance and provided practical technical support that enabled improved business performance both at home and overseas. In addition, our team worked closely with relevant technical education institutions to understand current staff capability and developed new, comprehensive training programmes that built both the capacity of both their training staff and the competence of the workers in the factories. This enhanced programme also delivered knowledge and TVET skills to the supply chain and users of the products so that the product capability and performance is better understood by all.

Panama: In partnership with the Panamanian President’s Office, our team of experts supported the completion of a detailed study for a new technical training and TVET skills institute that has been built and is now fully operational. Working with both UK and Panamanian employers, partners and stakeholders, our team completed a full review of the current vocational training system and made a range of recommendations for curriculum and qualification development that will deliver the skills and knowledge that employers need.

China: Our team of experts collaborated with 7 colleges in Zhongshan to review and build their capability to deliver TVET skills and apprenticeships in a sustainable and business-impacting way. We supported stakeholders in developing new and lasting relationships with employers and enabled them to use industry expertise to create curriculum that is specifically designed to deliver the skills and knowledge that businesses need. At the regional level, we worked closely with ministers in Guangdong to review their current apprenticeship and vocational training model and made a series of systemic recommendations that saw their technical education and vocational training system become more aligned to the current economic climate.